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Dinosaur Fact and Fiction with Bill Hoesch

About the talk:

Dinosaurs are shiny objects to youth. Much storytelling and speculation encrust these bones. Peeling back the crust reveals an extreme picture of violent, watery burial. Was there really a prehistoric age millions of years before man? These, and other questions are answered in terms that are scientifically rational. Soft-tissue, C-14, volcanic content, manner of burial, accounts of dragons, and the nature of fossilization all scream out against popular accounts of dinosaurs. Think again, considering the historicity of Genesis 1-11.

About the speaker:

Bill is a professionally trained geologist with a heart for outdoor education. As a newborn Christian 40 years ago, he left a career in petroleum exploration to obtain a Masters in Science at the Institute for Creation Research where he was trained under the best creation scientists of the time, including Drs. Steve Austin, Henry Morris, and many others. After working for 16 years at ICR where he assisted in Grand Canyon research and radioisotope dating, he has been involved in education ever since, including one year of missionary service in China. Since coming to Christ in 1981 the conviction has never left him that the evolution story (and its necessary long ages) are aimed to destroy faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the truthfulness of the Gospel that motivates him in teaching, especially at the foundational level where creation and science meet.


No charge for admission – an opportunity will be provided to make a donation.

Creation books and DVDs may be available for purchase to be further equipped.


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Valley Heights Community Church
#230 – 45428 Luckakuck Way, Chilliwack