About the talk:
This talk discusses several major problems with the Big Bang model, and shows how the latest discoveries by the JWST are making the situation even worse for secular scientists, especially in regards to their ideas about star formation and galaxy evolution.
Spike worked as an engineer (BSc EE) for the US military space program. He entered the program as an atheist and evolutionist, the evidence for creation caused him to become a creationist and later he became a Christian. He now speaks and writes on science and Biblical creation, with an emphasis on astronomy and cosmology. He is the author/producer of the exceptional DVD series “What You Aren’t Being Told About Astronomy”. His website is www.CreationAstronomy.com.
No charge for admission – an opportunity will be provided to make a donation.
Creation books and DVDs may be available for purchase to be further equipped.
Grace Community Church
12240 Harris Rd, Pitt Meadows