About the talk:
Come to a planet-by-planet fly-by through our Solar System, showing how each of the planets (along with many of their moons) uniquely contradicts the best secular origins models. You’ll come away appreciating the simplicity of the alternate explanation.
Did our Solar System form from a cloud of gas, billions of years ago? Or is it consistent with the Creation account in Genesis instead? This presentation goes planet by planet through our Solar System, showing how they all serve as beautiful testimonies to our Creator.
About the speaker:
Spike worked as an engineer (BSc EE) for the US military space program. He entered the program as an atheist and evolutionist, the evidence for creation caused him to become a creationist and later he became a Christian. He now speaks and writes on science and Biblical creation, with an emphasis on astronomy and cosmology. He is the author/producer of the exceptional DVD series “What You Aren’t Being Told About Astronomy”. His website is www.CreationAstronomy.com.
No charge for admission – an opportunity will be provided to make a donation.
Creation books and DVDs may be available for purchase to be further equipped.
Renew Church (formerly Newton Fellowship Baptist)
7328 144 St, Surrey