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Whatever Happened to the Woolly Mammoths? with Mike Oard

Livestream video link: Zoom or Facebook Live (no Facebook account required)


About the talk:

This talk shows that the woolly mammoth lived during the Ice Age; they did not die early in the Flood by a quick freeze. It focuses on the mammoths in Siberia and answers many mysteries of why they would live in Siberia, what they would eat, and how they died. Many other mammoth mysteries are also answered by the post-Flood rapid Ice Age, such as why the lowlands of Siberia, Alaska, and the Yukon were not glaciated; why there were so many large animals so far north; why some mammoth carcasses are found in a generally standing position, having suffocated; and why some have broken bones.


About the speaker:

Michael Oard earned his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Atmospheric Science from the University of Washington. He retired after 30 years as a professional meteorologist with the National Weather Service. He was a research meteorologist for 6 years at the University of Washington and has published several research articles in journals of the American Meteorological Association. He has been doing creation research in the earth sciences for over 35 years and has published over 100 articles in creationist periodicals. Mr. Oard has authored or coauthored 12 creationist books on the Flood, the Ice Age, and weather. He is on the board of the Creation Research Society.