Wonders of God’s Creation by Eric Lyons


Learn about proofs from the animal kingdom for a Creator that evolution simple cannot reasonably explain. Packed with captivating pictures and rich, informative text. 5th-8th grade reading level

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An adventure on every page! Wonders of God’s Creation is packed with illustrations, photos, and amazing facts about some of the most unique and beautiful creatures alive! Creation declares the glory of God, and this book offers a window into the incredible diversity and complexity of that creation.

According to the General Theory of Evolution, over billions of years of mindless, aimless evolution, the Earth became filled with a variety of amazing, wonderfully designed animals. Some life forms “just happened” to evolve the ability to breathe oxygen, while others “just happened” to develop the ability to live in the seas and extract oxygen from water. Some life forms “just happened” to evolve the ability to walk up and down vertical walls, while others “just happened” to evolve the ability to fly thousands of miles through the air.

Reason, common sense, and true science demand a better explanation. Random chances and mindlessness could never bring about the navigation system of a bar-tailed godwit, or the camouflage abilities of a cuttlefish. Complex design (like that found throughout the Animal Kingdom) demands an intelligent Designer! The superbly designed animals all around us call for a Creator.

In truth, the beauty, splendor, and design of God’s amazing animals should drive us closer to the Creator. These “fingerprints” of God should make us stand in awe of Him. They should send us to our knees in worship to Him. And, they should compel us to tell others about Him. See for yourself why none of this could have come about by chance!

“Stand still and consider the wondrous works of God” (Job 37:14).

Additional information

Weight 0.612 kg
Dimensions 27.9 × 21.6 × 1.3 cm