Noah’s Ark: A Feasibility Study by John Woodmorappe


This book on Noah’s Ark is a one-of-a-kind compendiuum of information about animal-care methods, food-preservation techniques, animal-handling techniques, etc. It discusses in great detail how 8 people could have cared for 16,000 animals using pre-scientific technology. Whether or not the reader believes in the Bible or not, he or she can be fully confident that my book conveys substantive information about the workability of Noah’s Ark and its inhabitants.

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How many animals did Noah take aboard the Ark?  How did he feed all of them on the long voyage?  Where did he keep the carnivorous animals?  What were conditions like for Noah and his family during the Flood?

Students of the Bible and science have pondered these questions and many more in their study of Genesis.  Doubters in a literal global Flood, including hybrid-creation theorists, place evolution-based theories of science in authority over God’s Word, claiming the Flood was nothing more than a ‘local’ occurrence and the age of the earth is millions and billions of years old.

John Woodmorappe, with training in both geology and biology, has tackled the tough questions about Noah’s Ark and the Flood in this book.  Thoroughly researched and clearly presented, Noah’s Ark: A Feasibility Study provides sensible solutions to the most difficult problems that faced Noah and his family on the Ark.  With the skill of an engineer, Woodmorappe enhances our understanding of the work that Noah did and the means he had at his disposal to manage the menagerie of animal life God entrusted to him.

Noah’s Ark: A Feasibility Study is an indispensable resource for serious students of both science and Scripture.

Additional information

Weight .748 kg
Dimensions 27.3 × 21 × 1.9 cm