Evolution: The Greatest Deception in Modern History by Dr. Roger G. Gallop


This 263-page book is a compilation and review of commonly known scientific evidence supporting Divine creation and specific research by esteemed scientists.

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This is an easy-to-read, comprehensive and compelling review of scientific evidence for Divine Creation loaded with color photos and illustrations. This book is described as a tour de force which strongly refutes the notion that science supports the evolution/long age view. It clearly shows that evolutionary doctrine is not based on known scientific laws or the preponderance of scientific evidence but rather, it is built on false assumptions and poor science. Scientific creation, as described in the Book of Genesis, is perfectly consistent with all known scientific laws and evidence, and the evidence is overwhelming and supports the reality of a worldwide flood and a young earth. This full-color book was written for the high school and college student, the general public, and the professional scientist and for parents who need help refuting evolution for their children.

Additional information

Dimensions 28 × 21.6 × 1.8 cm