Teaching Creation Science in Public Schools by Duane Gish (1995)


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“Teachers and school boards in public schools are already free under the Constitution of the USA to teach about supernatural origins of they wish in their science classes.” – Professor William Provine, Cornell University

There is a vast body of well-established scientific evidence that supports creation while exposing fallacies and weaknesses in evolution theory.

It is unconscionable in the tax-supported public schools of our pluralistic democratic society to indoctrinate our young people in evolutionary theory while denying them the opportunity to even consider the scientific evidence for creation that thousands of scientists have found to be compelling.

This book by Dr. Gish explains in detail the scientific, pedagogical, and legal foundation for teaching the scientific evidence for creation in public schools.

Dr. Duane T. Gish, noted debater and author on the subject of the scientific evidence for creation, currently serves as Senior Vice President of the Institute for Creation Research in San Diego, California. (1995)

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