What is a star? A meteorite? A satellite? A black hole? A quasar?
What causes eclipses? Tides? Leap year?
One hundred such questions on astronomy and the universe are answered from the Christian perspective by a college professor who looks forward to the question-and-answer segment of his classes. New discoveries in space are continually occurring but many answers, spoken to in Scripture, are timeless.
This book, divided into six sections, discusses the earth and moon, the solar system, the stars, general science and technical terms. A glossary is included to de-mystify terms that may be more challenging.
Astronomy and the Bible has become a trusted resource for students, parents, teachers, and pastors. As Dr.DeYoung explains, astronomy tells us much about God’s vast creation and His daily care for us here on earth.
The book’s question-and-answer format makes a practical tool for the classroom and home school. In this new edition, sky charts, stargazing tips, and indexes are included.
Donald B. DeYoung, A.S., B.S., M.S., M.Div., Ph.D., is professor of physics at Grace College, Winona Lake, Indiana, where he has taught since 1972. He is known internationally for his work in creation science. He is president of the Creation Research Society, author of 17 books on Bible-science topics, and well known as a creation science speaker.