Pluperfect: The Right Solution for the Genesis 2:19 “Problem”
by Richard Peachey “And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought
The seventh day in Genesis 2:1-3 — a long, indefinite period of time?
by Richard Peachey This article is, in large part, the result of an email interaction with David A. Sterchi, whose challenging and stimulating friendship I
“Time is the Hero of the Plot” — in Genesis!
by Richard Peachey Summary: Despite the doubts of some scholars, it is abundantly clear that chronology features prominently in the creation account of Genesis 1:1–2:3.
Christ’s View of the Bible
Compiled and introduced by Richard Peachey The Lord Jesus Christ is the one who knows “all things” (Matthew 11:27; John 16:30; 21:17), “in whom are
Christ’s View of the Bible (texts arranged by episode, with parallels grouped together)
Compiled and introduced by Richard Peachey The Lord Jesus Christ is the one who knows “all things” (Matthew 11:27; John 16:30; 21:17), “in whom are
Explaining Away the Genesis “Days” — Two Favourite Techniques (an email exchange)
by Richard Peachey Recently I had the privilege of teaching an eight-week evening course on the first eleven chapters of Genesis at Willingdon School of the
Evolution and the Bible: A Blog Interaction
Introduced by Richard Peachey In early 2012 I participated in an exchange on the topic of Christian views on evolution. The interaction was kick-started by
Nine Reasons Why the “Days” in Genesis 1 Must Be Understood as Normal (24-Hour) Days
by Richard Peachey (based largely on Richard Niessen, “Theistic Evolution and the Day-Age Theory“) 1. The Hebrew word yôm, translated “day,” is used more than
But it’s divisive! (Creationists are not divisive)
(Creationists are not “divisive” — those who reject the Biblical Creation and Flood are divisive!) by Don Batten (originally published in Answers in Genesis Prayer News
Was Christ a Creationist? (One-Page Summary)
by Richard Peachey What view of origins was held by Jesus Christ? Here is the key Scripture text: “Haven’t you read,”
Was Christ a Creationist? (Sermon)
A sermon by Richard Peachey, preached in several Lower Mainland (British Columbia) locations. Bible quotations are from the New International Version. New Testament reading: Matthew
Is Genesis Poetry? (response to a high school student)
by Richard Peachey Hi, S——. I apologize for taking this long to get back to you. I’ve had a fairly demanding week in a particular