Are we aliens, or sons of God? In the beginning…
Chapter 1 Introduction For centuries, kings and peasants, nobles and common folk, scholars and the uneducated have searched for the meaning of life. For those who believe in the Bible, the first 2 chapters of Genesis explain how mankind came into being, our relationship with God, with one another and
The Flood Legends of China
China has once again become hostile to all religious activities (although the intensity varies depending on where one is), actively banning all preaching, Bible teaching and home fellowships, and arresting repeat offenders. This is part two of a Chinese native’s own research into the Chinese history in the form of
Adam Who? Assessing the Attempt to De-Historicize the First Man
By Angelos Kyriakides In Evangelical circles today, it has become increasingly common to question whether the Adam and Eve of Genesis should be seen as the first historical couple or merely figurative representations of humanity. Arguments in favour of the former point to the comprehensive testimony of Scripture, while those
Pluperfect: The Right Solution for the Genesis 2:19 “Problem”
by Richard Peachey “And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.” — Genesis 2:19,
Christ’s View of the Bible
Compiled and introduced by Richard Peachey The Lord Jesus Christ is the one who knows “all things” (Matthew 11:27; John 16:30; 21:17), “in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Colossians 2:3). His commands carry all the authority in the universe, and they are what the church
Christ’s View of the Bible (texts arranged by episode, with parallels grouped together)
Compiled and introduced by Richard Peachey The Lord Jesus Christ is the one who knows “all things” (Matthew 11:27; John 16:30; 21:17), “in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Colossians 2:3). His commands carry all the authority in the universe, and they are what the church
Classic Defense of Genesis
Featured as a back-of-page article in the CSABC Quarterly Letter of March 2004 Introduced by Richard Peachey Excerpted from Benjamin Wills Newton. 1882. Remarks on “Mosaic Cosmogony,” being the Fifth of the “Essays and Reviews.” 3rd edition (revised). London: E.J. Burnett. pp. 7, 11f., 24f., 39f., 59, 61, 92f., 99f.,
The Uniqueness of Human Beings: “In the Image of God”
Introduced by Richard Peachey In this article, an evangelical theologian describes what it means for humans to have been created “in the image of God.” All quotations are from Wayne Grudem. 1994. Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. Pp 442-450. [Bold print indicates emphasis added.] (page 442) 1.
“SADDLE CATNAP”: Ten reasons why the Genesis flood must have been a global event
SADDLE CATNAP TEN REASONS WHY THE GENESIS FLOOD MUST HAVE BEEN A GLOBAL EVENT by Richard Peachey SA Size of the Ark — The Ark was “450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet high” (Genesis 6:15). Built like a huge barge, the Ark had the same capacity as about
Four Reasons Why You Can’t Believe Both Genesis And Evolution At The Same Time
by Richard Peachey 1. In Genesis, God is the central figure, creating, shaping, evaluating, blessing, commanding. But the evolution concept was deliberately devised to make God unnecessary. As Charles Darwin himself put it, in a letter to the British geologist Charles Lyell shortly after the publication of Origin of Species:
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