The seventh day in Genesis 2:1-3 — a long, indefinite period of time?
by Richard Peachey This article is, in large part, the result of an email interaction with David A. Sterchi, whose challenging and stimulating friendship I appreciate very much. * * * * * * * * Various Bible scholars have attempted to argue that the seventh day of the Genesis
“Time is the Hero of the Plot” — in Genesis!
by Richard Peachey Summary: Despite the doubts of some scholars, it is abundantly clear that chronology features prominently in the creation account of Genesis 1:1–2:3. It could even be said that, in a sense, “Time is the hero of the plot” (but without the original evolutionary implications of that quotation).
The Genesis Debate: Richard Peachey’s speeches
On March 8, 2018, a debate was held in Lacombe, Alberta (Canada) regarding the Biblical book of Genesis. The stated topic was: “Teaching Kids that Genesis is Literally True: Divine Mandate, or Child Abuse?” Taking part in the debate were Scott Lewis (atheistic evolutionist) and Richard Peachey (Christian creationist). The
A Smorgasbord of Quotations: Creation vs. Evolution
Compiled by Richard Peachey CAN SMALL VARIATIONS LEAD TO LARGE-SCALE EVOLUTION? — EVOLUTIONISTS CAN’T AGREE! “A long-standing issue in evolutionary biology is whether the processes observable in extant populations and species (microevolution) are sufficient to account for the larger-scale changes evident over longer periods of life’s history (macroevolution). Outsiders to
Response to Governor General Julie Payette
Governor General of Canada Julie Payette, in her speech to Canadian Science Policy Centre, November 1, 2017: “Can you believe that still today in learned society and in houses of government, unfortunately, we’re still debating and still questioning whether humans have a role in the earth warming up, or whether
Is a “Day” Really a Day in Genesis 1? Here’s What the Hebrew Scholars Say!
Featured as a back-of-page article in the CSABC Quarterly Letter of September 2003 by Richard Peachey For those who feel they must try to reconcile the Bible with evolutionary thinking, one great difficulty turns out to be the Bible’s clear statement that creation was accomplished by God’s powerful command “in
Positive Scientific Evidence for Creation!
Introduced by Richard Peachey The arguments summarized below are taken from W. R. Bird, The Origin of Species Revisited (New York: Philosophical Library, 1987), Vol. 2, pp. 104-106. When the Supreme Court of the United States reviewed Louisiana’s “Act for Balanced Treatment of Creation-Science and Evolution,” Bird was the lawyer
Explaining Away the Genesis “Days” — Two Favourite Techniques (an email exchange)
by Richard Peachey Recently I had the privilege of teaching an eight-week evening course on the first eleven chapters of Genesis at Willingdon School of the Bible in Burnaby, B.C. On the evening I planned to address the topic of the Genesis 1 “days,” one student had to leave the class
Nine Reasons Why the “Days” in Genesis 1 Must Be Understood as Normal (24-Hour) Days
by Richard Peachey (based largely on Richard Niessen, “Theistic Evolution and the Day-Age Theory“) 1. The Hebrew word yôm, translated “day,” is used more than 2,000 times in the Old Testament. In 95% of these cases, the word clearly means a 24-hour day, or the daylight portion of a 24-hour
But it’s divisive! (Creationists are not divisive)
(Creationists are not “divisive” — those who reject the Biblical Creation and Flood are divisive!) by Don Batten (originally published in Answers in Genesis Prayer News 6[5]1f., Fall 2004. Permission to reproduce here has been kindly granted by Answers in Genesis, Sometimes church leaders reject creation ministry because they say it