But it’s divisive! (Creationists are not divisive)

(Creationists are not “divisive” — those who reject the Biblical Creation and Flood are divisive!) by Don Batten (originally published in Answers in Genesis Prayer News 6[5]1f., Fall 2004. Permission to reproduce here has been kindly granted by Answers in Genesis, www.answersingenesis.org) Sometimes church leaders reject creation ministry because they say it

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Was Christ a Creationist? (One-Page Summary)

by Richard Peachey What view of origins was held by Jesus Christ? Here is the key Scripture text:         “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning          the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said,       ‘For this reason

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Was Christ a Creationist? (Sermon)

A sermon by Richard Peachey, preached in several Lower Mainland (British Columbia) locations. Bible quotations are from the New International Version. New Testament reading: Matthew 19:1-12 Old Testament reading: Genesis 1:26-31; 2:15-25 I’d like us to think together about those passages of Scripture that were read, from Matthew chapter 19,

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On Being Labeled “Extreme”

Featured as a back-of-page article in the CSABC Quarterly Letter of June 2010 by Richard Peachey Regent College theologian John Stackhouse certainly caught my attention with his recent statement in the BC Christian News (June 2010, page 14): “No one needs to be alarmed about Catholic bishops, or the Evangelical

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Sir John William Dawson: A Great Canadian Creationist

Featured as a back-of-page article in the CSABC Quarterly Letter of September 1999 by Richard Peachey November 19, 1999, will mark the 100th anniversary of the death of Canada’s greatest creationist scholar: Sir John William Dawson (1820-1899). Dawson was an internationally known scientist and educator who served as principal of

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