Is Peripatus a Valid Evolutionary Intermediate?
by Richard Peachey Peripatus is an organism classified within the phylum Onychophora, a group known as “velvet worms” or “onychophorans” (meaning “claw-bearers”). These animals live mostly in humid forests, especially in the tropics. They hide by day under rotting logs and in leaf litter, and hunt for prey at night.
The Galápagos Finches: Prime Example of Evolution?
by Richard Peachey 1. INTRODUCTION: THE FAMOUS FINCHES The Galápagos Islands are home to a famous group of birds called “Darwin’s finches.” Most taxonomists view these finches as belonging to thirteen separate species within four (or three) genera of a single family (or subfamily). All of the Galápagos finches are
How Evolutionists Ought to Teach Evolution
Featured as a back-of-page article in the CSABC Quarterly Letter of June 2005 Introduced by Richard Peachey The quote below is from William Provine, well-known evolutionist professor of biology and history of science at Cornell University. Excerpted from his chapter in John Angus Campbell and Stephen C. Meyer. 2003. Darwinism, Design, and
Why Can’t Evolutionists Make Headway?
Featured as a back-of-page article in the CSABC Quarterly Letter of December 2008 by Richard Peachey For decades, evolutionists have done their utmost to tighten their monopolistic grip on our taxpayer-funded public education systems. Yet we often hear them lamenting their failure to win over a larger percentage of the
Darwinism = Atheism!
Featured as a back-of-page article in the CSABC Quarterly Letter of December 2006 by Richard Peachey Top scientists agree with creationists on this one: the evolutionary worldview is essentially atheistic! The universe starts with an unplanned ”Big Bang,” living cells arrive through mindless chemical processes, and biological diversity emerges without
“Finding Darwin’s God” — Is It Possible?
Featured as a back-of-page article in the CSABC Quarterly Letter of December 2002 by Richard Peachey Kenneth R. Miller, Ph.D., is a professor of biology at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. He has coauthored (with Joseph Levine) a life science textbook used in many British Columbia high schools (Biology.
“Big Bang”: The Implausible Explosion!
Introduced by Richard Peachey The paragraphs below are excerpted from an article appearing in The Globe and Mail, Oct. 24, 1998, p. D5. The article, by Gregg Easterbrook, was based on his book Beside Still Waters: Searching for Meaning in an Age of Doubt. (Observe that although this writer appears
Trinity Western University’s Statement on Creation: A Critique (short version)
by Richard Peachey In 2002, Trinity Western University in Langley, BC (Canada) crafted a document titled, “Statement on Creation, the Bible, Science, and Our Response,” which is currently distributed with other “community documents” to people who ask for information about TWU. We offer the following brief assessment of the strengths and
The Eight E’s of Evolution!
Featured as a back-of-page article in the CSABC Quarterly Letter of September 2007 by Richard Peachey Many creationists are familiar with Ken Ham’s “Seven C’s of History” — including Creation, Corruption (the Fall into sin), Catastrophe (the global Flood), Confusion (the tower of Babel), Christ (the Incarnation), Cross (the Crucifixion),
Chemical Evolution: The Problem Of Improbable Proteins
by Richard Peachey Living cells employ proteins to perform a variety of important functions, including catalysis, structure, storage, communication, movement, transport, gatekeeping, and defense. To construct proteins from amino acid “building blocks,” cells use very complex procedures. But evolutionists suggest that these key molecules originally came into being through naturalistic,