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Creation BC Promoting Biblical Creation and Challenging Evolution since 1967 Access an article by selecting from the complete listing of articles below. General A Smorgasbord of Quotations (quotations that relate to the origins controversy) The Coffee News Ads (more quotations that relate to the origins controversy) Did We Quote Dawkins Properly? —
The Genesis Debate: Richard Peachey’s speeches
On March 8, 2018, a debate was held in Lacombe, Alberta (Canada) regarding the Biblical book of Genesis. The stated topic was: “Teaching Kids that Genesis is Literally True: Divine Mandate, or Child Abuse?” Taking part in the debate were Scott Lewis (atheistic evolutionist) and Richard Peachey (Christian creationist). The
It’s just a rock! (And the cycle continues.)
by Richard Peachey Perhaps you noticed this recent news item: “What were billed as the oldest fossils on Earth may just be some rocks, according to a new study. Two years ago, a team of Australian scientists found odd structures in Greenland that they said were partly leftovers from microbes
A Smorgasbord of Quotations: Creation vs. Evolution
Compiled by Richard Peachey CAN SMALL VARIATIONS LEAD TO LARGE-SCALE EVOLUTION? — EVOLUTIONISTS CAN’T AGREE! “A long-standing issue in evolutionary biology is whether the processes observable in extant populations and species (microevolution) are sufficient to account for the larger-scale changes evident over longer periods of life’s history (macroevolution). Outsiders to
Response to Governor General Julie Payette
Governor General of Canada Julie Payette, in her speech to Canadian Science Policy Centre, November 1, 2017: “Can you believe that still today in learned society and in houses of government, unfortunately, we’re still debating and still questioning whether humans have a role in the earth warming up, or whether
The Unforgettable Flight
by guest writer Doug Hillson [Introduction by Richard Peachey — This past fall [2016] I taught an evening course on Genesis 1–11 at Willingdon School of the Bible in Burnaby, B.C. For the final assignment, students were asked to create a 2,000-word conversation with a skeptical acquaintance. The topic of discussion was
Response to Spencer Boersma’s article “Why Genesis One Does Not Teach Creationism”
by Richard Peachey This post responds to Spencer Boersma’s article, “Why Genesis One Does Not Teach Creationism,” which was brought to my attention by my daughter, Sarah Kamp. [Note: Subsequent to the initial posting of my response, Mr. Boersma changed several parts of his original article. I will take up
“. . . if truth be told, evolution hasn’t yielded many practical or commercial benefits.” — leading evolutionary biologist
by Richard Peachey Leading evolutionist and atheist Jerry Coyne has acknowledged that evolution doesn’t have a lot of practical value. In a review of David P. Mindell’s The Evolving World: Evolution in Everyday Life, Coyne writes: “Mindell’s defence of evolution ends with two odd chapters: one on ‘evolutionary metaphor in
Noted Atheist Critiques Neo-Darwinism!
Introduced by Richard Peachey Thomas Nagel is a professor in the Department of Philosophy and the School of Law at New York University; he is also a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. His latest book, published in September 2012, is intriguingly titled Mind & Cosmos: Why
The British Monarchy: Contrived History?
A reductio ad absurdum argument in defense of those “incredible” age numbers in Genesis 5 and 11 by Richard Peachey ** Warning to readers! This article contains Mathematics. Proceed at your own risk! ** Abstract The genealogies in Genesis 5 and 11 report ages that many readers find difficult to
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