List of creationary science podcasts

From Answers in Genesis:

Answers with Ken Ham

This 60-s program features Ken Ham as he discusses the authority of the Bible from the very first verse.

Zero Compromise

Helping you stand for truth in a world that falls for lies. Join rocket scientist Rob Webb, wildlife biologist Jessica Jaworski and world traveler Patricia Engler as they interview authors, filmmakers, apologists, and other guests whose real life stories will give you practical encouragement to stand on God’s Word . . . with zero compromise.

From Creation Ministries International:

Creation Talk Podcast

Is the Bible’s history true? Do we have evidence that supports the book of Genesis? What about evolution? Join our informal discussions and get answers to these questions. It will prepare you to think through science topics from a biblical perspective, and in the process you’ll get to know the team at a little better!

Creation Article Podcast’s goal is to support the church at large in proclaiming the Truth of the Bible and thus its Gospel message. We provide real-world answers to the most asked questions in the vital area of origins laid out in the Book of Genesis, where the Bible is most under attack today. That’s why we deliver this podcast. It’s important that people on-the-go learn what God’s Word has to say, and the arguments that creationists use to rely on the authority of Scripture and make sense of secular science claims.

Creation Magazine Live Podcast

Creation Magazine LIVE! features cutting-edge science that supports the Bible, delivered in an easy-to-understand, talk-show format.

From Institute for Creation Research:


Creation.Live is a show where ICR scientists will gather with subject matter experts, apologists, and other special guests to discuss pressing issues—whether that be current research at ICR, new information that has come to light in the scientific community, or something else entirely that impacts how science ultimately points to our Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ. Whatever the topic, we hope these conversations are encouraging and enlightening in an increasingly chaotic world.

The Creation Podcast

The Creation Podcast is a show where we discuss the science that confirms Scripture. Find answers to some of the most pressing questions of faith and science, and listen to science and Bible experts examine the latest discoveries from a biblical worldview.

Science, Scripture and Salvation

Science, Scripture, & Salvation is a radio ministry that we hope will encourage you in your Christian faith by showing how scientific evidence supports the Bible, particularly the Genesis account. When we see that the first and most foundational book of the Bible can be trusted in all matters—including science—it builds confidence in the rest of the inspired Word all the way to Revelation.

From Creation Moments:

Creation Moments radio show

Founded in 1963, Creation Moments remains committed to building up the Church and enlightening the world to the wonders of God’s creation. For more than sixty years, this ministry has proclaimed the truth of biblical creation and provided irrefutable evidence that the Bible can be trusted from the very first verse to the last. In addition to its international creation-evangelism and radio outreach, Creation Moments offers hundreds of free resources on the Bible and science at its website:

From David Rives Ministries:

Changing the Narrative

Information to strengthen your faith using scientific discoveries that prove the Bible to be true. Join author, TV host, and researcher David Rives as he explores infinite wonders that point us directly to our Creator, the God of the Bible. We are special, created in God’s own image. We are not mere animals, the result of evolution, natural selection, or chance and time. David is one of the foremost authorities on Origins Science and as he interviews Ph.D. scholars, he breaks it down into easy to understand lessons that will help you defend your Christianity.

From Creation Research (John Mackay):

Creation Conversations Podcast

Hello and welcome to Creation Conversations with Joe Hubbard and John Mackay. This is the weekly show where we tackle Science, Evolution and issues facing the world today from a Biblical perspective. Join us as we answer your questions and common objections to the Bible, Creation and Noah’s flood.

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