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Eight Pillars: A Biblical/Christian Approach to the Origins Controversy

Featured as a back-of-page article in the CSABC Quarterly Letter of December 2010

by Richard Peachey

1. The Bible, the “inspired” Word of God, has a great deal to say about creation and the Creator God. The matter of creation is therefore not an unimportant “side issue.” (Genesis 1:1-2:22; Exodus 20:11; Nehemiah 9:6; Job 38:1-42:3; Psalms 8:1-8; 19:1-6; 33:6-9; 104:1-30; 148:1-12; Proverbs 8:22-31; Isaiah 40:21-31; 42:5; 44:24; 45:12,18; Matthew 19:4-6; Mark 10:2-9; Romans 1:18-20; Revelation 4:11)

2. The New Testament, the part of the Bible that is of most immediate relevance to Christians, exalts the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, as the Creator of all things. The way we think about our Lord is linked to the way we deal with the issue of origins. (John 1:1-3,14; 1 Corinthians 8:6; Colossians 1:15-20; Hebrews 1:1-3)

3. The book of Genesis, which begins by recounting how creation took place, is plainly intended to be understood as straightforward historical narrative rather than some other type of literature such as poetry, parable, allegory, myth, etc. (Hebrews 11:3; Matthew 19:3-9; 2 Peter 3:3-6; 1 Timothy 2:13,14)

4. In Genesis chapters 1 and 2, the Creator God is the central figure, creating, shaping, evaluating, blessing, commanding. The doctrine of evolution, which makes God either non-existent, or tolerated but not really necessary, is very much contrary to the tone of Genesis.

5. Genesis chapter 1 clearly speaks about a sequence of six consecutive normal-length days during which the Creator God commanded into existence the universe and life with its great diversity. The Bible can only be made to accommodate long periods of time (millions or billions of years) by a great deal of ingenuity (“Scripture-twisting”).

6. At the completion of creation, everything was evaluated by God as “very good” — there was as yet no human death, animal death, thorns, thistles, predation, carnivory, bloodshed, parasitism, disease, or suffering. This view is contrary to evolutionary thinking, which explains the development of all life forms through a long, bloody “struggle for existence.” (Genesis 1:29-31; 3:17-19; Romans 8:19-22; Revelation 7:16,17; 21:4; 22:3)

7. Most top scientists, who accept evolution, are also atheists. Rather than follow such ungodly “intellectuals,” Christians must take their stand against evolution as a doctrine that robs God of his rightful glory, destroys the historical and logical foundation of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and provides philosophical support for many sorts of evil deeds. (Jeremiah 17:5; Mark 8:38; John 5:46,47; 1 Corinthians 3:11,18-21a)

8. The “scientific proofs” of evolution and “favourite examples” used by evolutionists are flawed in many ways. (See the various articles on our website, as well as many excellent pieces at