Positive Scientific Evidence for Creation!

Introduced by Richard Peachey The arguments summarized below are taken from W. R. Bird, The Origin of Species Revisited (New York: Philosophical Library, 1987), Vol. 2, pp. 104-106. When the Supreme Court of the United States reviewed Louisiana’s “Act for Balanced Treatment of Creation-Science and Evolution,” Bird was the lawyer

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Explaining Away the Genesis “Days” — Two Favourite Techniques (an email exchange)

by Richard Peachey Recently I had the privilege of teaching an eight-week evening course on the first eleven chapters of Genesis at Willingdon School of the Bible in Burnaby, B.C. On the evening I planned to address the topic of the Genesis 1 “days,” one student had to leave the class

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If Jesus Was Wrong: The Implications

by Richard Peachey Some professing Christian writers, in their zeal to defend evolution from the Bible [!], have apparently gone so far as to claim that it was possible for Jesus to be in error. (See, for example, “Was Jesus Wrong? Peter Enns Says, ‘Yes’.”) The implications of such a view

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Evolution and the Bible: A Blog Interaction

Introduced by Richard Peachey In early 2012 I participated in an exchange on the topic of Christian views on evolution. The interaction was kick-started by a short video titled “Preaching Against Evolution in Evangelical Churches Creates Atheists.” From the full conversation, which was quite lengthy (but is worth reading), I

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The Uniqueness of Human Beings: “In the Image of God”

Introduced by Richard Peachey In this article, an evangelical theologian describes what it means for humans to have been created “in the image of God.” All quotations are from Wayne Grudem. 1994. Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. Pp 442-450. [Bold print indicates emphasis added.] (page 442) 1.

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“SADDLE CATNAP”: Ten reasons why the Genesis flood must have been a global event

SADDLE CATNAP TEN REASONS WHY THE GENESIS FLOOD MUST HAVE BEEN A GLOBAL EVENT by Richard Peachey SA  Size of the Ark — The Ark was “450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet high” (Genesis 6:15). Built like a huge barge, the Ark had the same capacity as about

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Four Reasons Why You Can’t Believe Both Genesis And Evolution At The Same Time

by Richard Peachey 1. In Genesis, God is the central figure, creating, shaping, evaluating, blessing, commanding. But the evolution concept was deliberately devised to make God unnecessary. As Charles Darwin himself put it, in a letter to the British geologist Charles Lyell shortly after the publication of Origin of Species:

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Nine Reasons Why the “Days” in Genesis 1 Must Be Understood as Normal (24-Hour) Days

by Richard Peachey (based largely on Richard Niessen, “Theistic Evolution and the Day-Age Theory“) 1. The Hebrew word yôm, translated “day,” is used more than 2,000 times in the Old Testament. In 95% of these cases, the word clearly means a 24-hour day, or the daylight portion of a 24-hour

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Bruce Waltke on the Genre of Genesis 1: A Critique

by Richard Peachey Comments on “Excursus: The Literary Genre of the Creation Account” from Bruce Waltke. 2001. Genesis: A Commentary. Zondervan. pp. 73-78. In this excursus, Bruce Waltke makes many complimentary-sounding remarks about Genesis 1. He says that the term “myth,” if it is “understood to represent things fanciful or

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How Was Genesis Composed?

Excerpted from Marvin L. Lubenow. 2004. (Revised edition.) Bones of Contention: A Creationist Assessment of Human Fossils. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House. Pages 316-325. [As of 2004:] Marvin Lubenow is professor of Bible, theology, and apologetics at Southern California Bible College and Seminary in EI Cajon, California. He has

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