Already Compromised by Ken Ham & Greg Hall


This is an eye-opening assessment of 200 Christian colleges and universities from across America. Discover how these institutions address the cultural battlefield of science, Christianity and the accuracy of the Bible, including views of inspiration, inerrancy and infallibility.

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Will a Christian college build a student’s faith or tear it down?

Parents and students sacrifice large sums of money for a Christian college education. Why? They are purchasing a guarantee their child’s faith in God and the Bible will be guarded and developed. But is the Bible being taught? Will they graduate believing in the inerrancy of Scripture, the Flood of Noah’s Day, and a literal six day creation?

Apologetics powerhouse Ken Ham and Dr. Greg Hall reveal an eye opening assessment of 200 Christian colleges and universities. In an unprecedented 2010 study by America Research Group, college presidents, religion and science department heads were polled on critical areas of Scripture and core faith questions.

Their responses will shock you. Some have already compromised.

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Dimensions 22.86 × 15.2 cm

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