God’s Living Treasurers – Amazing Animals of Alaska by Dr. Jobe Martin


Dr. Martin describes the design characteristics of a number of animals that live in Alaska.

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Treasures . . . what is their significance? They add joy and delight to our lives, are valued for their beauty and design, studied for their complexity, and appreciated for how they enhance our world. God’s Living Treasures are His amazing and beautiful living creatures!

Did you know:

  • The Moose is the second most dangerous animal worldwide
  • The Fox uses Earth’s magnetic field for direction
  • The Wolf can survive in -40 degree temperatures
  • The Aurora Borealis (Northern and Southern Lights) are a great example of God’s hand of protection over this planet we call home
  • The Sea Otter is designed with flaps in its’ nose and ears that close when this creature is underwater
  • The Polar Bear’s hair is transparent and reflects light making it appear white to the human eye

Come join Dr. Jobe Martin and his friends Buddy Davis, Dr. Jim Johnson, Micah Bowman, and David Rives as they reveal the wonders of God’s Amazing Alaskan treasures. How does the polar bear’s skin and hair act like a solar panel to keep it warm? Does Earth’s magnetic field help the red fox find food? Learn why the moose can eat underwater, how wolf packs work together, how otters use kelp to keep their babies safe, and much more.

God’s treasures do not end with His creatures, but extend to the celestial beauties seen in the awesome display of the Aurora Borealis! Only a Creator could bring forth such marvelous designs. The Scriptures say that all things were created by Jesus Christ, and that He is not only the Creator, but the loving Savior of all.

Thus saith the Lord, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the Lord that maketh all things (Isaiah 44:24a); If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved (Romans 10:9).

Special Features:
• A Word from Dr. Jobe: Introduction, Testimony, and Challenge
• Special Interview with Mark Dumas about Agee the Polar Bear
• Buddy Davis and Dr. Jobe in Conversation


  • Format: DVD
  • Length: 58 minutes
  • Audience: All Ages
  • Publisher: David Rives Ministries
  • Published: 2018








Additional information

Weight 0.141 kg
Dimensions 19 × 14 × 1.5 cm