Amazing Copies of God’s Design by Kyle Butt


The Advanced Reader series is designed for children in the 2nd and 3rd grades as they improve their reading skills. This book, “Amazing Copies of God’s Design” is filled with fascinating facts and photos of God’s creation, and will increase your child’s love for reading and for his Creator.

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When we look at nature, we see millions of wonderful designs that God created. We can copy some of these designs and use them to make our lives better. Other designs are so difficult to understand, even the smartest humans cannot figure them out or copy them. The designs found in nature teach us very important lessons. They teach us that God is much smarter than humans will ever be. They also teach us that God designed the world just right for humans to live here. God cares about us and wants us to be happy. He wants us to learn about the natural world and use it to help make our lives better. But even more than that, God designed His Word, the Bible, to help us learn how to serve Him and go to heaven.

AP Reader Series: Advanced Readers
(All 10 Books)

A step up from our Early Readers, A.P.’s Advanced Reader Series is aimed at children in 2nd-3rd grades. With beautiful, full-color pictures and interesting facts about God’s wonderfully designed Creation, your child will develop a greater love both for reading and for the grand Designer.

This series includes Amazing Beauty, Amazing DinosaursAmazing Copies of God’s DesignThe Amazing Human BodyAmazing Migrating AnimalsAmazing Teeth, Amazing TailsAmazing Tongues, Amazing Skin, and Amazing Tamable Animals with more coming soon!

Additional information

Weight 0.091 kg
Dimensions 22.9 × 15.2 × 0.6 cm