By His Word by John Filippi


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America: Land of the Free, Home of the Brave… Is it also the home of the Godly?

America has more: 

  • Bible colleges and seminaries
  • Churches and denominations
  • Christian books, tapes, videos
  • Evangelistic outreaches
  • Christian bookstores and radio stations

Than the rest of the world combined!

Yet, we are on the verge of legitimizing homosexual “marriage”; we cannot mention Jesus in public schools (except as a curse word); and every reminder of our Christian foundation is systematically being removed from public view.

Why is our culture increasingly rejecting its Christian foundation? What caused the Christian Church to lose its moral authority? How can we make Jesus more relevant in today’s technology driven world? What can the Church do to restore America’s moral compass?

By His Word is a wake-up call to America’s churches. If we continue down the path we are following, the open persecution of Biblical Christianity is just around the next dark corner.