Darwin vs. Calvin: The Battle of the Millennium by Vision Forum


This mock debate, the “Boxing Match of the Millennium,” demonstrates the clear antithesis between the competing worldviews of Christianity and Darwinism.

1 in stock


Their writings have launched nations and transformed cultures. They are arguably the two most influential minds of the last millennium, and now they have returned from their lengthy retirements for a one-time engagement. Weighing in at five-hundred years old, the undisputed heavyweight Defender of the Faith, John Calvin, faces off in a lively debate against his two-hundred-year-old opponent and the reigning champion of modern and post-modern thought – Mr. Origin of Species himself – Charles Darwin. This engaging ”Boxing Match of the Millennium” demonstrates the clear antithesis between the competing worldviews of Christianity and Darwinism – a battle of the birthday boys never to be repeated again!

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg
Dimensions 19 × 14 × 1.5 cm