Dasha Theory – A Starlight and Time Solution by David Rives & Dr. Danny Faulkner


This DVD provides a possible explanation for the stars being millions of light years away while the Bible indicates a time span of about 6000 years. 30 minutes

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.One of the most puzzling questions in astronomy: If the universe is relatively young – thousands of years – and stars are millions of light years away, wouldn’t it have taken the light from those stars millions of years to reach Earth? …and doesn’t this “PROVE” the Big Bang?

Do creationists have a problem with distant starlight?

Actually, starlight and time is a major problem for Big Bang cosmology. While Young Universe Cosmology doesn’t provide all the answers, a careful examination of the Hebrew word “Dasha” as found in the creation account might hold the key to understanding this dilemma.

Additional information

Weight 0.141 kg
Dimensions 19 × 14 × 1.5 cm

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