Earth: Our Created Home by ICR


Earth is a familiar place but this planet contains many mysteries. Earth: Our Created Home will give you fresh eyes to see God’s glorious work in our amazing world.

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Though Earth is a familiar place to us, this planet contains many mysteries.  What can science and the Bible tell us about its history?  In Earth: Our Created Home, you’ll explore our world from the beginning of its creation to what it is today.  Read on to discover:

  • How old is Earth?
  • What causes weather and seasons?
  • Why are fossils found on every continent?
  • What makes this planet such an ideal place to live?

The fourth book in the Science for Kids series, Earth will give you fresh eyes to see God’s glorious work in our amazing world.

Additional information

Weight .283 kg
Dimensions 17.8 × 17.8 × 1 cm

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