God and the Nations by Dr. Henry Morris


Secular anthropologists spend a great deal of time studying civilization. They probe historical sources and plunge spades into the earth to uncover the secrets of past cultures. Sadly, the most reliable sourcebook is rarely used.

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God & The Nations

In God and the Nations, Dr. Henry Morris invites you to see the hand of God behind the rise and fall of history’s great nations. Discover from a biblical point of view why many of the world superpowers of our ancient civilizations fail to even exist today. Ascertain your nation’s future with this powerful study of the history of God’s relationship with individual nations throughout time.

Morris, an acclaimed Christian apologist, considers the Bible the most accurate source of geography and history. His comprehensive research of the origins, history and destiny of nations should inform the strategy of every nation’s government. This compelling Bible study reference tool could ignite a widespread evangelistic revival and serve as the catalyst for the Church to fulfill God’s Dominion and Mission Mandates.

Within this theological masterpiece, Morris uncovers:

  • God’s purpose for the nations
  • Why God needed a chosen nation
  • The importance of the Jews and Gentiles in God’s narrative of mankind
  • The spiritual patterns present as a nation emerges, declines, and disappears
  • God’s future judgment of the nations

These biblical truths effectively point to the unmistakable sovereignty of the omnipotent God to whom “the nations are as a drop of a bucket” (Isaiah 40:15). From Genesis to Revelation, Morris successfully shows the proof behind God’s great call to righteousness and the resulting healing for a nation living under God’s authority in 2 Chronicles 7:14: “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

Additional information

Weight 0.227 kg
Dimensions 23.5 × 15.2 × 0.6 cm

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