God and the Nations by Dr. Henry Morris


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Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are counted as the small dust of the balance…Isaiah 40:15 A fascinating title from creationist icon Henry Morris Perfect for Christians who focus on apologetics Focuses on a rare, but important topic: God’s plan for individual countries In the Bible, we see the interest God has in humans and their cultures. In the Old and New Testaments, the Hebrew and Greek words for “nations” occurs 720 times. Many of the nations that were given land and resources during Bible times have now passed into history, such as the Assyrians, Babylonians, and Hittites. We also know from secular history that civilizations like the Aztecs and Greeks are also largely removed from the scene. All this is due to those nations rejection of God and laws. Indeed, of the 200 nations in existence today, only a handful actively seek God.

176 pages 6 X 9 Paperback

Henry Morris, Ph.D. , (deceased) earned the title, “The Father of Modern Creationism,” through with his numerous writings about the creation/evolution debate. He was a respected scientist and wrote, textbook author and the founder of the Institute for Creation Research in California.

Additional information

Weight 0.227 kg
Dimensions 23.5 × 15.2 × 0.6 cm

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