How Could a Loving God… ? by Ken Ham


Solid, biblical, clear, and comforting answers to some of life’s greatest questions, such as “Why does God allow my suffering?” and “Why didn’t God prevent this from happening?”

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Here are solid, biblical, clear, and comforting answers to some of life’s greatest questions:

  • Why does God allow my suffering?
  • How do I move beyond this anger at God?
  • Why didn’t God prevent this from happening?
  • Will I see my loved ones again—or is heaven just a “feel good” myth?

When hard times hit, even seasoned Christians find themselves asking, “Why?” Whether their hands are clasped in prayer, or clenched into fists of anger, God hears from those He created whenever pain visits in unexpected or untimely ways. To make matters worse, people assume that as a Christian you will have just the right words of comfort for those in need. Just saying “God will turn this to good” seems meaningless when despair is so profound. Often the pain goes too deep, the questions just won’t go away. With sensitivity to the person whose perception of God has been calloused by tragedy, apologist/Bible teacher Ken Ham makes clear the hope-giving answers found in the pages of Scripture. Be ready when hurting hearts need comfort. Sensitively sharing the reality of original sin—and all that it means—creates a vital foundation for Bible-based healing in the midst of crisis.

Additional information

Weight 0.245 kg
Dimensions 21.8 × 15.7 × 1.52 cm

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