Itching Ears: How the most important Christian doctrines are rooted in Genesis by Paul Taylor


A non-fiction book by Paul Taylor. How the Most Important Biblical Doctrines Are Based on the Foundations of Genesis.

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Doctrine is not something that is cold. It should be alive and vibrant. It is relevant, because it links the teaching of the Bible to everyday situations.

Most Christian doctrines are based on a foundation of Genesis. Paul Taylor has taken some of those teachings that matter to us most – the Trinity, the Deity of Christ, the Inerrancy of Scripture, Sin and Death, Salvation, Faith and Abraham and the Second Coming. In an easy to follow style, he looks at what the Bible says about each teaching, and then shows that it is much easier to understand and accept each teaching, when we start by believing the early chapters of Genesis to be true.

Paul F Taylor is a speaker and writer on creation issues. He is the author of The Six Days of Creation, Truth Lies and Science Education and Don’t Miss the Boat. He and his wife Geraldene have five children.