Search for the Truth : Changing the World with the Evidence for Creation by Bruce Malone


This book is the result of a 15-year effort to bring the scientific evidence for creation into public view. Newly updated and expanded, the third printing contains summaries of the latest creation research. Search for the Truth is a compilation of almost 100 individual articles summarizing every aspect of the creation model for our origin.

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Search for the Truth shares one method of tearing down the gates of deceit that grip our world.  This book is a compilation of articles which have been printed in dozens of public newspapers and church newsletters showing how well the evidence from science supports a Biblical creation viewpoint.  Permission is granted for others to do the same.  Also included is a sample of the many letters to the editor that resulted and the impact upon readers.

This book is divided into six sections corresponding to the different scientific disciplines dealing with the evidence for, or relevance of, creation.  Each section contains individual articles about evidence for creation from these varied scientific disciplines.  Anything in this book can be copied and shared with others or put to use as suggested in the last section by printing it in local newspapers.  The short chapters between the Search articles provide a running narrative of how this book came to be, how God has used my life and this material in miraculous ways, and how you can put the same information to use.


“The book is a useful tool for Christians, encouraging them with ideas and resources for spreading the creation message.” — Dr. Tas Walker, AIG Technical Review, September 4, 2001

“Your book is graphic, exciting, and highly readable. I pray the Lord will greatly bless its impact on the public.” — D. James Kennedy, Ph.D., Personal Correspondence, Oct. 2, 2001

“Your summary of the Gospel is so simple and interesting that it made my heart sing praises to my Savior.” — Steve B. Austin, Final Editor, June 4, 2001


“The truth of creation grows more obvious the more one investigates. Creation thinking, founded on careful science, good logic, and Biblical Truth, satisfies in this life and the next. Bruce Malone has captured its essence in these short and readable essays, scientifically accurate and personally penetrating.” – Dr. John Morris, President, Institute for Creation Research “Bruce does a great job presenting evidence that support creation. Search for the Truth contains articles that are important tools for your creation library. I appreciate his hard work and dedication to presenting the truth of God’s Word.” – Ken Ham, President, Answers in Genesis

From the Author

I am saddened how few students and adults are aware of the scientific evidence supporting the intellegent design required for our origin. I came through the American public science education system and emerged totally convienced evolution was a fact and the Bible was a fairy tale. It was only after being exposed all of the evidence that I have come to the conclusion that, based on the scientific evidence, the Bible is totally accurate and evolution is the fairy tale. Search for the Truth is my humble attempt to bring this evidence, gleemed from hundreds of technical books on all areas of science, down to the “man on the street” level. Search for the Truth consists of easy to understand, well illistrated, and provocatively written single page articles. This book is an important tool in exposing the lies and deception surrounding evolution.

From the Inside Flap

The heart of the debate over origins is not a discussion of science vs. religion but a clash of how to view reality. All valid worldviews must address the questions of where we came from, why there is so much pain and suffering in the world, and how to improve our lives. Darwinism offers a worldview concluding that people exist as the result of purposeless processes. Therefore, there can ultimately be no right or wrong. Evil is just a matter of poor training, and we can ultimately perfect ourselves. This is in direct opposition to the Biblical worldview that starts with an intelligent Creator. Both worldviews use science to support their conclusions. This book addresses head on which worldview is best supported by the scientific evidence.School age children are receiving a barrage of information from our educational system and media telling them that they are here as the result of a gigantic, purposeless explosion. They are being told that life formed over billions of years as rocks dissolved to form a chemical soup which somehow came alive (by some purposeless force). Since they were old enough to watch cartoons on television they have been indoctrinated with the idea that they are here as the result of random-chance processes (evolution). The most basic brainwashing technique is to repeat something over and over again as if it were a fact. With enough repetition even the most outlandish lie can be molded as fact into people’s minds. Once this has happened it becomes very difficult to overcome because the lie becomes the filter through which the individual views reality.

If you do nothing to explain the scientific problems with the evolutionary worldview, don’t be surprised when your children reach their teenage years without any real faith in a relevant God. Don’t be surprised if, by the time they enter college, they totally turn their back on God. And don’t be surprised if, by the time they leave college, they have totally rejected your standards of right and wrong while setting their own arbitrary, relative values.

The purpose of this book is to reverse 100 years of public indoctrination in evolutionary dogma by taking the offensive in an area where Christianity has been on the defensive for too long. In a larger sense this is a book about reality. The reality of our past, the existence of absolute values, and the nature of God. It is my hope that this book will serve as a reference and encourage people to publish evidences for creation in their own communities.

About the Author

Bruce has 27 years of research experience with the Dow Chemical Corporation but left in 2008 to act as full time Executive Director of Search for the Truth Ministries with the vision of “Awakening Hearts and Minds to Biblical Truth”.  This organization widely distributes his Bible-affirming creation materials to students and prisoners.  Bruce has a B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Cincinnati and holds 17 patents for new products with Dow Chemical.

Bruce Malone has spent the last 30 years bringing the scientific evidence for creation to churches and colleges at seminars throughout the United States and 12 foreign countries.  He has also authored six books on the evidence for creation with over 500,000 copies in print; served as adjunct speaker for the Institute for Creation Research; is an associate speaker for Logos Research Associates Inc.; and is a commissioned worldview speaker under Chuck Colson’s Centurion program – bringing a recent Biblical creation understanding to worldview issues.

Bruce and his wife Robin have been married for 32 years and have four grown children and four grandchildren.  They reside in Midland, Michigan.

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Weight 0.431 kg
Dimensions 27.4 × 21.6 × 0.8 cm