The Complete Creation Part 1 & 2 (2nd Ed.) by Ian Juby


  • Part 1: Who cares?/ What is Creation & Evolution
  • Part 2: Uniformity: The greatest weapon ever formed against the Bible

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A scientific creation lecture with Ian Juby (With open captions for the hearing impaired)

In this video, Ian gives an introduction to the creation/evolution debate, and shows why it matters. He then reveals where the debate got its start, and proceeds into Part 2, expounding on the “Greatest weapon ever formed against the bible: Uniformity.” He then exposes the tactics of Sir Charles Lyell and his great deception that swept the world, even collecting in his clutches a young man by the name of Charles Darwin. Darwin then went on to formulate and publish his theory of evolution in his now-famous book, “Origin of the species.”

Ian Juby is the founder of Canada’s first Creation museum, the traveling Creation Science Museum of Canada. He also founded, and is the president of, the International Creation Science Special Interest Group for Mensa members. He has researched the origin issue for 18 years, speaking on the subject for twelve years, including appearances on national and international television.

Copyright 2008