The Crimson Worm: A Pattern of God’s Plan of Redemption by Dr. Jobe Martin and David Rives


What does a little worm have to do with Jesus, Calvary, and God’s plan for Salvation? There is a direct biblical connection between the Crimson Worm, the vesture of the high priest of Israel, and our Savior Jesus Christ.

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What does a little worm have to do with Jesus, Calvary, and God’s plan for Salvation? The Crimson Worm gives up its own life in order that its offspring might live. Do we see that pattern anywhere in the Bible? Yes, there is a direct biblical connection between the Crimson Worm, the vesture of the high priest of Israel, and our Savior Jesus Christ. Dr. Jobe Martin was formerly a dentist for the Presidential flight crews of Air Force One and had his private dental practice in Houston, TX. Dr. Martin has done some astounding research on incredible animals that proclaim creation. This look into the Biblically significant patterns of the Crimson Worm will leave you in awe.

Special Note from David Rives:

I have been blessed to become friends with the Martin family from Rockwall, Texas, and to have Dr. Jobe Martin and his wife and two daughters make a trip all the way from their home in Rockwall, Texas to come and be with us here in Tennessee to tape several 30 minute videos on topics ranging from the symbiotic relationships of animals, to the ‘marvels of the mouth’.

Dr. Jobe Martin was formerly a dentist for the Presidential flight crews of Air Force One and had his private dental practice in Houston, TX. Dr. Martin has also done some astounding research on incredible animals that proclaim creation.

I am very excited to tell you about the newest title in our “Wonder Without Number” video series; “THE CRIMSON WORM – A Pattern of God’s Plan of Redemption”. I invite you to Join me and Dr. Jobe Martin, (Biblical Discipleship Ministries) in this awe-inspiring presentation, as Dr. Martin shares a powerful message that shows how multiple passages in Old Testament scripture have a direct correlation with the plan of Redemption as recorded in the New Testament.

What does a little worm have to do with Jesus, Calvary, and God’s plan for Salvation?

There is a little creature that attaches itself to a tree and gives its’ life so that its’ children can live. The blood-red coloring that is produced from this creature was more than likely utilized in the coverings of the Tabernacle.

THE CRIMSON WORM A Pattern of God’s Plan of Redemption DVD is SO UPLIFTING! We just got the produced copies in, and I am so touched by the story that I just had to share it with you today.

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