The Great Dothan Creation/Evolution Debate


The Great Dothan Creation Evolution Debate, between skeptic and vocal public anti-creationist Mr Rick Pierson and Dr Robert Carter, a scientist with Creation Ministries International in Atlanta, Georgia, took place in front of a packed gallery in Dothan, Alabama. (Junior High–Adult) 103 min.

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The proponents of evolutionary theory are no longer able to dismiss creationists with a wave of their academic hand. There is a growing list of scientists who believe in Genesis creation that refutes the often repeated and unsubstantiated claim that “virtually every scientist in the world believes the theory to be true” and that a person who does not believe in evolution cannot be a “legitimate scientist”. The Great Dothan Creation Evolution Debate, between skeptic and vocal public anti-creationist Mr Rick Pierson and Dr Robert Carter, a scientist with Creation Ministries International in Atlanta, Georgia, took place in front of a packed gallery in Dothan, Alabama. (Junior High–Adult) 103 min.

Additional information

Weight 0.08 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13.8 × 1.5 cm