Why the World Looks So Young by Dr. Brian Thomas


This short collection of young-looking features gives good reasons to favor the Bible’s timeline.  Both God and His Word are worthy of our full trust.

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What difference would it make to discover that real, measurable processes show a young world?  This kind of science would support the Bible’s teaching that God created the world in six days only 6,000 or so years ago.  It would mean the Bible’s history is spot-on.

Does God’s world match God’s Word when it comes to the history of our beginnings?  Dr. Brian Thomas and his ICR colleagues explore this question in Why the World Looks So Young: Scientific Evidences for the Genesis Creation and Flood.

This short collection of young-looking features ranging from our own bodies to outer space gives good reasons to favor the Bible’s timeline.  Both God and His Word are worthy of our full trust.

Additional information

Weight 0.113 kg
Dimensions 15.24 × 22.86 × 1.3 cm