Wonders of Creation by Andy McIntosh


Wonders of Creation is an excellent and convincing response to those who claim that a belief in creation requires us to close our minds to evidence. The sheer brilliance of design and the argument of irreducible complexity are presented with compelling and powerful authority.

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What went wrong and what is the purpose of it all?

If the universe came into existence ‘by chance’, it did so against immeasurable odds. It follows that if every living thing evolved step by step over millions of years into the intricate, complex and kaleidoscopic beauty, order and design that we see around us, this also was against these incalculable odds. We may go further and claim that the vital interrelationship of the universe – the precise movements of the planets, the regular seasons of the year, the reliance of all living things upon each other – also evolved against the same unimaginable odds.

We must conclude either that everything – each individual detail – in the known universe, and especially planet earth, evolved against a series of unimaginable, unbelievable and infinitesimal odds – or we should look for an alternative and more reasonable explanation. It is that more reasonable explanation which is presented in this book. However, the beauty and order, the incredible harmony and diversity, is too often shattered by violence and pain, disorder and death. Before our journey in this book concludes, we will face the questions posed by theologians, scientists and philosophers for millennia: ‘What went wrong and what is the purpose of it all?’

But first, enjoy the panorama of a creation so beautifully detailed, ordered and complex that it would be unbelievable if it was not there in front of us. Over 200 illustrations. Coffee Table series.

Table of Contents

  • 1. Since the Creation of the World
  • 2. Land Mammals
  • 3. Sea Creatures
  • 4. Birds and Flight
  • 5. Insects
  • 6. Stars and Planets
  • 7. Starlight and Time
  • 8. Beauty
  • 9. Mathematics and Beauty
  • 10. Materials
  • 11. Mankind
  • 12. A Changed World
  • 13. The Six Days of Genesis
  • 14. What Happened?