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Tribute to George Pearce

May 7th, 1938 – June 28th, 2021

From the Creation Science Association of British Columbia.

After a short battle with cancer, on June 28th, at age 83, George Pearce passed into the presence of his Creator and Saviour, Jesus Christ, whom he served and loved, and we are confident he heard his Lord say “Well done, good and faithful servant”.

George along with his loving wife Christine served with this ministry for over 40 years. He became vice president in 1981 and president of the association in 1987. He continued as president and the mainstay of the association until just a few years ago when he began to step back from the ministry and encourage others to take over some of the responsibilities in preparation to move away to Calgary, Alberta, to be closer to family in 2020.

For many years George contacted and booked visiting Bible believing scientists to speak at public meetings, booked venues and flights, often driving them to and from the airport and to events in the lower mainland and Vancouver Island, and often had them stay with them in their home.

Later they took on the responsibility of the growing inventory of Creation Science resources, (books, videos and later DVDs), travelling to home school and other conventions in various B.C. locations with their vehicle loaded with resources, and making cross border trips to USA to pick up resources in order to lower costs, even shipping resources to Creation ministries in other provinces to help them lower their costs.

Our association had booths at Mission Fest, Vancouver, from the start of that ministry and George and Christine did the major part of the work and preparation. George did public talks at Mission Fest and other venues for the ministry.

George has been our treasurer for many years, and their home has been the official office and contact phone for the ministry.

George loved and believed the word of God cover to cover, and it was his life work to uphold the truth of the Bible without compromise. He has left us, the present directors of the Creation Science Association of British Columbia, with an excellent example to follow.