God’s Design for Life: The World of Plants by Debbie & Richard Lawrence

...cells, flowering plants, roots, stems, photosynthesis, pollination, parasites & passengers, and more through short, hands-on lessons. Students read the lesson, do an activity, complete “What did we Learn?” questions, and...

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Do You Believe in Magic? — A Blog Interaction

...a while, we suffer, and then we die. And what more shall I say? I do not need to say many words about those who have already died: they are...

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Newton’s Revised History Of Ancient Kingdoms

...expose their logical inconsistencies. He then develops a more sound chronology using scientific method based on logic, observations, astronomy, and just plain common sense. Newton worked on this project for...

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Evolution: The Grand Experiment Vol.2, Living Fossils by Dr. Carl Werner

In 1938, the discovery of a large, unusual fish turned the scientific community on end. Dubbed a “living fossil,” the discovery of a coelacanth in South Africa shocked scientists around...

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Science: Child of the Biblical Worldview

...as to excel them.” [emphasis added] — Robert Boyle, seventeenth century chemist (Pearcey and Thaxton, p. 251) 4. Nature is reliable, not disorderly / God is faithful • Genesis 8:22;...

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“Men of Science — Men of God”

...calculus, Probability Robert Boyle (1627-1691) Modern chemistry, Gas dynamics John Ray (1627-1705) Natural history (Biology) Nicolas Steno (1631-1686) Stratigraphy Isaac Newton (1642-1727) Dynamics, Calculus, Gravitation Karl von Linné (Carolus Linnaeus) (1707-1778)………. Taxonomy (Biological classification) William Herschel (1738-1822) Galactic astronomy Michael Faraday (1791-1867) Electromagnetics...

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The Scientific Alternative to Neo-Darwinian Evolutionary Theory by Dr. A.E. Wilder-Smith

...It reflects on the origin and development of the Von Neumann machine excluding consciousness. The second part discusses dimension theory and possible sources of actual information. The third part discusses...

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Arguing from Augustine: Evolutionists Should Give It Up!

...or frightened by the superstition of false religion” (Augustine. 1982. The Literal Meaning of Genesis. [trans. John Hammond Taylor.] New York: Newman Press. pp. 44f. [Book 1, chapters 20f.]) (Note:...

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Loving God With Your Mind: Science, Geology & The Bible seminar with Dr Andrew Snelling

...that a global flood about 4,300 years ago explains many rock layers and most fossil deposits found around the world. Building from that foundation, he has made predictions as to...

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What is the Most Serious Problem for All Evolutionary “Origin of Life” Theories?

...by Sidney Harris (American Scientist 79:419 [Sept-Oct, 1991]) For further reading: “Chemical Evolution: The Problem of Improbable Proteins” <http://www.creationbc.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=86> Mike Riddle, “Can Natural Processes Explain the Origin of Life?” <http://www.answersingenesis.org/articles/nab2/natural-processes-origin-of-life>...

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