Darwin’s Depressing Idea

by Richard Peachey [Featured as an advertorial in Cascade News, University of the Fraser Valley student newspaper, Sept. 24, 2009] During the recent “Down with Darwin!” Day at the UFV...

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False, Flawed, and Unrepeatable — How “Science” is Losing its Aura

...fail replication test” (Science News, Vol. 188 No. 7, Oct. 3, 2015, p. 8) [Note: this article is no longer available for free. An excerpt is available here: <https://www.questia.com/article/1G1-430547305/psych-studies-fail-replication-test-experiment-redos>] See...

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Was Christ a Creationist? (One-Page Summary)

...(Mark 8:38) For further reading: “Christ’s View of the Bible” <http://www.creationbc.org/index.php/christs-view-of-the-bible/> “If Jesus Was Wrong: The Implications” <http://www.creationbc.org/index.php/if-jesus-was-wrong-the-implications/> Carl Wieland, “Jesus on the age of the earth.” Creation 34(2):51–54, April 2012 <http://creation.com/jesus-age-earth>...

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But it’s divisive! (Creationists are not divisive)

...referring to the Apostle Peter’s words in 2 Peter 3: “. . . you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil...

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The “Big Bang” Explains Nothing!

...non-creationist scientists, is available for viewing and signing at <http://blog.lege.net/cosmology/cosmologystatement_org.html>.  Jason Lisle. 2003. “Light-travel time: a problem for the big bang.” Creation 25(4):48f. <http://creation.com/light-travel-time-a-problem-for-the-big-bang> “Creation, Evolution, and Speed-of-Light Problems” <http://www.creationbc.org/index.php/creation-evolution-and-speed-of-light-problems/>...

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Death Before Sin? by Jackson Hole Bible College

Did Jesus die to fix his own mistakes in creation? Absolutely Not! Yet this is the logical conclusion you must make if you believe in millions of years. The idea...

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Mike Oard photo

Whatever Happened to the Woolly Mammoths? with Mike Oard

...die early in the Flood by a quick freeze. It focuses on the mammoths in Siberia and answers many mysteries of why they would live in Siberia, what they would...

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The Giraffe: A Favourite Textbook Illustration of Evolutionary Theories

...the 1872 edition [the 6th and final edition of his Origin of Species), marrying Lamarck with natural selection: By this process [natural selection] long continued . . . combined no...

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New Online Tool for Science Students

In their studies and research projects today, students want information that is online, reliable, concise, downloadable, and printable in small chunks. Biology has changed drastically during the last twenty years...

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If Jesus Was Wrong: The Implications

...the world.” Related Concepts (1) God commanded people to listen to Jesus Matthew 17:5 [At the transfiguration:] “While he [Peter] was still speaking, a bright cloud enveloped them, and a...

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