Dinosaurs, Genesis and the Gospel by Ken Ham & Buddy Davis

...also included. DVD set includes 2 DVDs, approximately 30 minutes each, plus a discussion guide. Digital download includes two MP4 videos, approximately 30 minutes each, plus a PDF discussion guide....

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Buddy Davis’ Amazing Adventures: Ice Age by Buddy Davis

...bonus features, too! The disc includes Buddy’s new song, “Alaska,” a winsome gospel presentation, and fun outtakes and bloopers from the production! Download your free discussion guide PDF at: https://answersingenesis.org/store/amazing-adventures-guides/...

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Trinity Western University’s Statement on Creation: A Critique (detailed version)

...and life.“ [italics in original] Very good. The statement affirms the creation record in Genesis, along with the rest of Scripture, as God-breathed, inerrant, sufficient, and authoritative. Christians therefore must...

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Uncovering the Truth about Dinosaurs (4 DVD Set)

...Dinosaurs and Dragons From legends and folklore to archaeology, eyewitness accounts, and the Bible itself, experts describe compelling evidence from around the world that suggests dragons were dinosaurs that lived...

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Genesis for Today by Andy McIntosh

...fallible theories of evolution. This book argues from the complete accuracy of Genesis and the Bible. All fundamental Christian doctrine is found in embryo in Genesis 1-11. It provides key...

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For Those with a Scientific Mind

...minute video uses photography and computer graphics to explain how Grand Canyon is best understood in the light of phenomena associated with the Genesis flood. Grand Canyon: Testimony to the...

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La clave del misterio de la vida (español)

...essential components of every living organism. It is part of a biological information processing system more complex and more powerful than any computer network. This compelling documentary examines an idea...

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Let’s Be Realistic: You Can’t Logically Have it Both Ways!

...In Charles Darwin’s own life, evolutionary thinking did not complement Christianity; it replaced it. In 1876 Darwin wrote: “Whilst on board the Beagle [1831-36] I was quite orthodox [creationist]. ....

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Refracted Glory by David Rives

...it means to find fossils in Europe. David Rives navigates multiple areas of inquiry through captivating interviews with leading experts. Topics such as engineering, history, and biology combine to present...

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HOLES IN EVOLUTION! (as described by my university Invertebrate Zoology textbook)

...crustaceans to other arthropods has long been a puzzle.” – p. 399 “The [evolutionary] affinities of the Pentastomida are uncertain. – p. 439 “The [evolutionary] position of the lophophorates [invertebrates]...

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