Resisting an Overused Argument for Evolution (Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria)

...evolution?” Journal of Creation 17(1):26-32. [technical] <>   Sarfati, Jonathan. 2005 (Apr. 8). “Anthrax and antibiotics: Is evolution relevant?” <>   Wieland, Carl. 1997 (Dec.). “Superbugs not super after all.” Creation 20(1):10-13. <>...

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Building Blocks in Science by Gary Parker

...the two together in a credible and scientifically-sound way! Having made his own journey of discovery, this former evolutionary biologist and popular author offers a unique and powerful perspective on...

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Personalities in the Evolution/Creation Conflict

...of small genetic changes [mutations], guided by natural selection, and that transspecific evolution [macroevolution] is nothing but an extrapolation and magnification of the events that take place within populations and...

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David: About that Opinion Piece . . .

...its extravagant promises of health and life, in spite of the tolerance of the scientific community for unsubstantiated just-so stories, because we have a prior commitment, a commitment to materialism....

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The “Science” of Paleoanthropology (Human Fossils) — Exposed!

...describing a fully modern human brain. (page 75) “All the collateral lines of evidence appeared to be mutually confirmatory and in complete harmony with each other,” commented [Sir Wilfred] Le...

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Creation Links Earth Science Associates (Robert Gentry) Handy Dandy Evolution Refuter Mike Riddle The Monkey Trial The True Origin Archive Understand the Times (Roger Oakland)

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Our Created Solar System with Spike Psarris

...the exceptional DVD series “What You Aren’t Being Told About Astronomy”. His website is   No charge for admission – an opportunity will be provided to make a donation....

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Do We Live In an Alien Simulation? with Spike Psarris

...cosmos, secular attempts to explain this away with a “multiverse”, and how this leads directly to the increasingly-common claim that we live in a computer simulation being run by aliens....

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The Faithful Messenger by Henry Morris (4 DVD Set) committed himself to a worldview with enormous eternal consequences. This film captures many of the defining moments in the lives of these two men as they became more and...

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Mahalia Jackson: Born to Sing Gospel Music by Evelyn Witter

...her spellbinding contralto voice. She was deeply religious with a quest to help the underprivileged and the disadvantaged. “Blues are the songs of despair,” Mahalia often said. “Gospel songs belong...

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